Nail art is fun and expressive, and there is a look to suit every occasion. From bold and bright to simple and minimalistic, not all designs require hours of skill to complete. Sometimes the best looks are the effortlessly chic ones.
If you’ve been thinking of creating your own nail art, saving you time and money, and letting your creative juices flow, this is the perfect opportunity to get inspired. We have rounded up the best designs that can be created by beginners or pros, and there is something to complement all nail shapes and lengths
Short nails are a trend and in the coming seasons or they are worn in pastel tones, pink, blue or red, colors that always prefer this type of manicure. Darker shades and French manicure for those wishing to stay on the classic are also not to be excluded. The semi-permanent...
Pink glitter nɑils are a great way to add a toᴜch of sρarkle and glamour to yoᴜɾ look. Whether you want something suƄtle oɾ dɾɑмatιc, pink glitteɾ nɑιƖs can Ƅe the perfect accessoɾy for ɑny outfιT. WiTh so мany dιffeɾent shades and sTyƖes availaƄle, yoᴜ can create ɑ uniqᴜe look...
A Guide to Neutral Nail Colors: 25+ Neutral Colors and How to Choose Each year, I find myself being drawn to neutral tones more and more. When I was younger, I thought that brighter was better, but I now realize how well neutral colors withstand the test of time.